I'm already a Volunteer, but.....

Q :
I'm running late! What are the delivery hours again?
A :
We tell our clients to expect their meal between 11:00am and 1:30pm. This ensures that our clients know exactly when they’ll have to be home for the volunteer, allows them to schedule medical appointments and rides around lunch delivery, and ensures that the meals arrive to our clients at a safe temperature. If you’re running late, please call the office so we can plan accordingly.
Q :
I'm sick!/I can't make it! Who do I call?
A :
Call the office if you cannot make your scheduled delivery. We understand that things do come up at the last minute, but if you know ahead of time that you have a conflict, please call as soon as you can. The more time we have to find a substitute volunteer—the better!
Call Katie at (302) 421-3731 with any scheduling issues
Q :
The client asked me to help them around the house. What do I do?
A :
As far as your responsibilities as a Meals on Wheels volunteer go, once you deliver the meal and make sure all is OK, you are finished. However, some clients may ask you to do small things for them while you’re there. Some of these things might include: bringing in the mail/newspaper from outside, putting the meal away in the refrigerator, opening the meal package, or reaching something from a high shelf. Again, we understand that many volunteers are on tight schedules, and you are not required by City Fare to do these things for the clients, but you are free to help out in whatever way you choose.
Q :
What will I be delivering?
A :
Our daily routes consist of two different meal types. A client may receive just one meal, or both of the meals offered. Meals are picked up in two coolers. The coolers easily fit in standard car trunks and in backseats—even if you have a 2-door vehicle! We occasionally deliver extra food when we will be closed for a major holiday. Volunteers would always receive advance notice in order to plan for the extra space needed.
Q :
I’ve gotten to know John Doe at 123 Main Street. He didn’t answer the door and I know he really relies on these meals. Can I leave it for him?
A :
NO! For their safety, we are unable to leave the meal for the client—even if they’ve left a bag or a cooler asking you to do so. It is against State of Delaware food code regulations and against City Fare policies. If our volunteers do not give the meal to the client, there is no way to know if they are OK for the day. Family members often rely on the program to make sure everything is OK with their parents throughout the day. We also have no way of knowing when the meal will be eaten if it is left. Dementia is an issue for some clients and we do not want to make them sick.